Sunday, May 19, 2019

Flavored milk

We are down to nursing just for naps and at night time now. I love asking Ollie what "flavor" the milk is today. He unlatches and obliges, usually telling me that it "tastes like ice cream" or "tastes like pizza" but yesterday's answers were really fun! For lunch he said "tastes like carrots" and at bed he said "its chocolate milk!" . Who knew!

If you put a toddler in your boat to play....

If you put a toddler (especially a curious, mechanically-minded little boy) in your boat to play whilst you work in the garage, said toddler might start to push buttons and fiddle with screws. If  said sweet toddler unscrews the wrong screws, say the screws that hold your windshield onto your boat, that windshield may not stay in place long. It might, for instance, go flying off like a kite when you are going 70 miles an hour down the interstate to go fishing 😱😳😂. Oh the things we don't see coming! Thankfully, all the cars behind said catastrophe are okay. Daddy is out of a windshild for his boat though.  #OMG

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mother's day

Happy Mother's day to Grammie (Other wise known as "Grampie"), who is the best fire fighter, dinosaur wrangler, and big truck driver around! We love you 💗

Basket ball with Sam

Samuel was shooting hoops in the driveway and Oliver ran out to see him. Ollie stood nearby watching just itching to get in on the action when Sammie stopped. He took a few minutes to carefully adjust the hoop height then helped Ollie make his first-ever "basket". What a sweet big brother!

New Best Friend

So... I went to Target yesterday and left Ollie at home with Ed. When I came back, Ollie came running to great me. "Mommy, mommy" and I'm thinking "awe, he missed me!".
"mommy, mommy, Daddy is home! Come see Daddy! Daddy is my BESTTTTT fwiend! He gave me water and a chocolate bar!"
sigh. Little stinker! LOL

Flavored milk

We are down to nursing just for naps and at night time now. I love asking Ollie what "flavor" the milk is today. He unlatches and ...